Friday 15 July 2011

First Guide. Maplesea And AuraSea Guide Level 0-50

Im currently doing a maplestory guide for both maplesea and aurasea. For your information, aurasea is a private server. This guide will guide you through from lvl 0-50 for both aurasea and maplesea.

Lvl 5-20
You can actually train at Suspicious Hill in henesys

where you can hunt for cynical orange mushrooms which is lvl 8.

You can train on this from lvl 5 onwards till lvl 20 for aurasea players.Its pretty fast because the experience is X20. As for maplesea players, you can actually train here from lvl 5-15 or lvl 13. An alternative will be the moon bunny quest. You can actually teleport to the party quest location at the dimensional portal.

Its a party quest so you will need to find others to join you in a party before you can enter the party quest. Usually, i will train on the monsters inside after the moon bunny appears as to me, they provide even better experience than the experience you receive when you successfully completed the moon bunny pq. You can train here straight to level 20 for both aurasea and maplesea players.

Lvl 20- 30 you can train at Golem temple entrance. You can grind on stone golems from lvl 20 to 25 for both aurasea and maplesea players.

For aurasea players, you can grind here till 30. But if you want to level at a faster rate, you can go deeper into the golem temple and train on mixed golems at golem temple 4. The mixed golems are at level 26. Perfect place to level till level 30.

Level 30-50
For both aurasea and maplesea players, you can train at mushroom castle. From level 30- 33, you can train on regenade mushrooms and poison mushrooms.

Later on, you can train on royal guard pepe and helmet pepe till lvl 40 for both aurasea and maplesea players.

Later on for maplesea players, you can train monster carnival 1. Fastest way for me to level to 51 is by maxing the rombots as soon as possible and summon the speed up protector as soon as possible and trust me the experience is awesome. I leveled to 51 in only a few hours time.

For aurasea players, a quite good place to train is at beer tent. The spawn is terribly fast. I leveled there quite easily though. So i'll recommend there. You can actually get there through the dimensional portal by typing @joyce. Go the event map and talk to the npc at your right. I leveled to level 50 there.

The last alternative is to train at cds at kerning square mall.Its at the last floor of kerning square.Just keep on taking the elevator up until you can see the mob Cds. You can train here to level 50. The spawn is decent.

The mob looks like this.

Here's the end of my guide. Please comment on it thanks alot. I will make changes if theres anything wrong. Thanks Alot :D byes

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